26 January, 2008
Things I've Learnt So Far.
These are all the things I've learnt this year so far, starting with today... If you read my other blog, then beware! You will have read some of these before. We're going to work backwards here... 26th January, 2008 Today I learnt that Sweeny Todd, while being an excellent film, is very disconcerting and gory. I had to close my eyes a few times. I also learnt how to make a blogger template. Of that I am very happy. 25th January, 2008 Today I learnt how to play a funny little game called Bloxorz. It's a puzzle game, and I like the graphics. But I'm not very good at it. 24th January, 2008 Today I learnt that Safeway make their own brand of chewing gum. Elise W. was more excited by this than I was. I also learnt that pumpkin and cucumber plants are very similar; they are both vines with broad green leaves and large yellow flowers. 23rd January, 2008 Today I learnt, from my now 4-year-old niece, how to play a new game. We both use a different room in the house which act as our own houses. One will visit the other's 'house', knocking on the door, but alas! There's no one there! The owner of said 'house' is at the shops! The owner returns to the visitor, they both laugh and make remarks about how the visitor was trying to visit the owner, but the owner was at the shops. End of game, switch roles, repeat. 22nd January, 2008 Today I learnt about my sister Holly's first kiss with the man who is now her husband. "Aww..." I hear you all say. 21st January, 2008 Today I learnt a very useful thing, and that is the middle click, or left and right click on minesweeper. Before that I used to just left click everything, now I hardly use the ol' left click button. I also learnt, very early in the morning I might add, that leg cramps are painful. Yes, I had my first ever leg cramp. 20th January, 2008 Today I learnt that 'Chic' is pronounced 'sheek'. That could have been embarrassing; had I ever had to say 'chic' out loud, I would have said 'chick'. 19th January, 2008 Today I learnt that Templestowe is a nice area, for the most part. It was the first time I'd ever been to Templestowe, for Matt's going away party 18th January, 2008 Today I learnt that Coca Cola used to contain cocaine. Only small amounts, but look it up, it's true. Wikipedia. Snopes. 17th January, 2008 Today I learnt that saying goodbye is not as hard if you know you'll see a person again soon. It was pack-up day today for beach mission. Last year, driving home, I nearly cried I was so upset at leaving. This year, I hardly even felt sad, because I knew I would see most of the beach missioners twice in the next week. 16th January, 2008 Today I learnt that mirrors are breakable, don't lend them to people. I also learnt that kids are really hard to organise when they are out of control. This was at the Beach Party, I was meant to be doing games for the kids, but after they finished the treasure hunt in negative three seconds, they went insane. Ben Chong was a hero when he played some bush dancing music which was awesome. 15th January, 2008 Today I learnt that running, sports, and physical activity in general, while tiring, release endorphins which increase one's mood considerably. 14th January, 2008 Today I learnt that I do actually get grumpy. I always prided myself in my ability to control my moods, but nope, sometimes I get grumpy and it's very hard to change that. 13th January, 2008 Today I learnt that I really don't like when people are late. I didn't use to care much about late/earliness, but now I do. It's just annoying when people are late and everyone else has to wait for them. 12th January, 2008 Today I learnt that I like waking up early. You have so much more of the day to enjoy. As long as I don't have to get up as soon as I wake up, I'm fine. 11th January, 2008 Today I learnt that I love bush dancing. I always used to say that I hated bush dancing, but tonight we had a bush dance and I loved it! And also I love the chicken dance. 10 January, 2008 Today I learnt that if you suck the poison out of a bull ant wound, then it doesn't seem to hurt as much. It still itched a bit, but it was nowhere near as sore as usual. I also learnt where NOT to sit. 9th January, 2008 Today I learnt that there is a tiny bit of feminism inside of me. Extreme feminists have always annoyed me, but I suppose without them I would live an entirely different sort of life. Today I was really tired of guys asking me if I needed help every ten seconds and telling me how to do things when I knew how to do whatever I was doing better than them anyway. In the end though, they were just trying to be helpful so I got over it. 8th January, 2008 Today I learnt that it's fun to smoosh your hands in fruit salad. That's right, you all ate that fruit salad, while Lisa and I had fun making it. We wore gloves. 7th January, 2008 Today I learnt just how much better it makes you feel when you encourage others. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, hence, warm fuzzies! 6th January, 2008 Today I learnt that people really aren't that hard to talk to. You might already know this, but I'm a shy introvert. 5th January, 2008 Today I learnt that clothes shopping, while nice on your own, can be better when you're with someone who can encourage you and help you make good decisions on what looks good or bad. 4th January, 2008 Today I learnt that when you are nice to customers, they are generally nicer to you, which makes you happier and nicer, and the customers happy and nicer etc... it's all a big chain reaction. 3rd January, 2008 Today I learnt which side the days of the months are on in my diary! (It was the other page, for those of you playing at home.) 2nd January, 2008 Today I learnt how to do sit ups. 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. 2. Put your hands behind your ears. 3. Flex your abdomen towards your spine, and pull up about halfway. 4. Hold for a second, then go back down until nearly touching the ground. Repeat. 1st January, 2008 Today I learnt to be wary of things that melt. I had a tub of Vaseline in my bag... along with my nice new diary I bought to write what I learn in. Bad idea. My favourite t-shirt is ruined.
posted by some girl at 7:49 PM -
  • At January 27, 2008 at 2:33 AM, Blogger B.C. said…

    This is the coolest idea ever. Also, your template is awesome. For my birthday, can you make me a cool one? Yes? Then you are completely made of win.

    Beach Party was fun, even though it sucked at first. I did see the broken mirror, it was very unfortunate. Also unfortunate that the kids were all playing around it.

    This blog gets 1519358612935861235 points out of 10, because it mentions Minesweeper, the Chicken Dance, Ben Chong and Wikipedia.

    I will read this every day. And learn things.

  • At January 28, 2008 at 8:42 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    EM! I especially like 23rd January. Can't wait to read about more things that you have learnt.

  • At January 30, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Blogger David said…

    I like this, now I can learn something everyday too.

    I am most happy that I contributed with bloxorz!

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some girl
Terra Australis