19 February, 2008
Today I learnt that Bubsy on SNES is a really hard game. I mean, it's a great game... I used to play it all the time when I was a little'un, but it's so hard! You can't save your game, so if you lose all your lives, that's it - game over! I also learnt some boring things at school about outcome dates and whatnot. And also about some professional designers in Vis Com. 18th February, 2008 Today I learnt what it's like to be in 'big band' at church. It was a lot like I expected, and that is not a good thing. It's probably mostly because I don't have the right attitude, but I've always had a bit of an aversion towards the big band. I always felt like some of the people were all self-righteous and smug just because they sung/played on stage. I still feel like there's some people like that. But I don't really know them, so I'm no judge... they just come across that way. The thing I disliked the most was how people treated me. They didn't treat me bad, but I was introduced as 'new', and I didn't like that. The bands joined together, in to one band, we're meant to one now, not the youth bands joining the big band, or the younger people being added on to the older people. So no, I'm not new. People kept giving me encouraging smiles and were just generally being (mildly and politely) condescending, treating me as if I were fragile. I know that it's stupid to get annoyed about that, they don't know that I'm not 'new' and they're just trying to be nice, but it annoys me that people don't think I know what I'm doing when I've been in band longer than some of them have gone to our church. Also sometimes I hate (strongly dislike?) the style we play a lot of songs. Sometimes it feels like we ruin all the good ones. Okay, that was a long rant. With some (maybe?) unjustified annoyances, but I don't care if I'm being childish, it still annoys me.
posted by some girl at 10:45 PM -
  • At February 23, 2008 at 9:56 PM, Blogger B.C. said…

    Sometimes I feel like that. Sometimes I feel it's my attitude.
    Also feel like that on style stuff sometimes, but it's the way some people best connect and I accept that.

    Finally, I don't want to demean the seriousness of your post but... your mentioning of Bubsy just brought back a world of memories, so thank you for that. A reason to be grateful? YES!

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some girl
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